
Dear reader,
After two successful editions in the Netherlands, the teams of the Ghent University and the University of Liège are proud to organize the 3rd International Seminar on ORC Power Systems in Belgium.
We have been working hard to present to you a set of high level and interesting papers. Through 180 peer-reviewed papers, this Seminar will highlight the latest advances in ORC research & development, applications and demonstration projects.
We hope the Industry Day can show you that ORC-technology is alive and that academic ideas are being picked up and developed by industry.
The 3rd International Seminar on ORC Power Systems is also the opportunity for more than 300 researchers and people from industry coming from 25 different countries to meet and share their expertise in the field of Organic Rankine Cycle systems.
On behalf of the organizing committee we would like to thank:
- The authors, who wrote very interesting papers,
- The members of the Scientific Committee who contributed to the promotion of the event,
- The review organizers and the reviewers, who contributed to the high scientific quality of the Seminar,
- SciConf for helping us, academics, remember the practical issues
- The ASME IGTI ORC Power Systems committee, who endorsed the seminar,
- All of you for attending the Seminar and participating to fruitful discussions about ORC systems and related topics.
We hope that our Seminar will contribute to the deployment of ORC technology as a means of greenhouse gas emission reduction in power production, process industry, transport, agriculture and buildings.
We hope you can enjoy some culture and the pallet of fine food and drinks Belgium has to offer.
We wish you a nice Seminar and lots of inspiring ideas for the future.
Chairmen of ASME-ORC2015,
Vincent Lemort & Sylvain Quoilin
University of Liège
Michel De Paepe & Martijn van den Broek
Ghent University