FLUID-DYNAMICS OF THE ORC RADIAL OUTFLOW TURBINE![]() Presentation: Session: Session 10: Turbine design II Room: 1A Europe Session start: 10:30 Tue 13 Oct 2015 Claudio Spadacini c.spadacini@exergy.it Affifliation: EXERGY Lorenzo Centemeri l.centemeri@exergy.it Affifliation: EXERGY Dario Rizzi d.rizzi@exergy.it Affifliation: EXERGY Massimiliano Sanvito m.sanvito@exergy.it Affifliation: EXERGY Aldo Serafino a.serafino@exergy.it Affifliation: EXERGY Topics: - Turbines (Topics), - Simulation and Design Tools (Topics), - I prefer Oral Presentation (Presentation Preference) Abstract: It is well documented that axial turbines and radial inflow turbines have traditionally been the selected solutions for ORC, both with an overhung configuration. In the last years a different turbine technology for ORC has been developed, engineered, manufactured and tested by Exergy: the radial outflow turbine. In order to better understand its potential and limits, the present study has the purpose of conducting a fluid-dynamic study of the ORC radial outflow turbine. To pursue this aim, here firstly a summary description of the radial outflow turbine and of its features is given, by means of mechanical and thermodynamic fundamentals. Secondly, moving from the hypothesis of direct coupling with generator, boundary conditions for a 2 MW case are chosen and a radial outflow turbine is studied, focusing on fluid-dynamic design: after a preliminary mean line study a CFD simulation of the machine is performed. The described analysis includes also a comparison with an axial ORC turbine with the overhung configuration directed coupled with a generator: this approach could allow to valuate fluid-dynamic losses in both technologies and can explain the reason why the radial outflow turbine shows a higher efficiency than the axial overhung one in many ORC applications. |