EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF EFFECT OF OPERATING CONDITIONS ON PERFORMANCE OF ORC SYSTEM BASED ON OIL FLOODED TWIN SCREW EXPANDER![]() Presentation: Session: Session 11: Screw expanders Room: 1B Europe Session start: 10:30 Tue 13 Oct 2015 Abhijeet Chougule abhijeet.chougule@thermaxindia.com Affifliation: Charles Philominraj cphilomi@thermaxindia.com Affifliation: Ramakrishna Sonde rsonde@thermaxindia.com Affifliation: Topics: - System Design and Optimization (Topics), - Applications (Topics), - Volumetric Expanders (Topics), - Operational Experience (Topics), - I prefer Oral Presentation (Presentation Preference) Abstract: The paper discusses the following aspects on the experimental investigation of effect of operating conditions on volumetric expander (oil flooded twin screw expander) based ORC system. • Mechanical performance: Experimental investigation of flow induced vibrations at expander inlet and its mitigation and development of design optimization tool • Experimental investigation and analysis of oil separator pressure drop and its effect on volumetric/isentropic efficiency of the expander • Variable speed versus constant speed operation - Effect on isentropic efficiency of expander and cycle efficiency. The variable speed operation gives optimum isentropic efficiency (80 to 85%) at all loads of low potency heat recovery for power generation. • Field experience of 30 and 100 kW screw expander based ORC system |