A REVIEW OF POTENTIAL WORKING FLUIDS FOR LOW TEMPERATURE ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLES IN WASTE HEAT RECOVERY![]() Presentation: Session: Session 1: Working fluids Room: 1A Europe Session start: 11:00 Mon 12 Oct 2015 Konstantinos Kontomaris Konstantinos.Kontomaris@DuPont.com Affifliation: DuPont Fluorochemicals Jason Juhasz JASON.R.JUHASZ@chemours.com Affifliation: Chemours Fluorochemicals R&D Luke D. Simoni JASON.R.JUHASZ@chemours.com Affifliation: Chemours Fluorochemicals R&D Claus-Peter Keller Claus-Peter.Keller@chemours.com Affifliation: Chemours Fluorochemicals R&D Topics: - Working Fluids (Topics), - I prefer Oral Presentation (Presentation Preference) Abstract: The focus of this paper will be specific to working fluids for use in various technologies for waste heat recovery (WHR) of exhaust heat including internal combustion engines (ICE) and in the use of Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC). Several novel fluids have been developed (DR-2 or HFO-1336mzz(Z) and DR-12) which have a good potential fit for these low temperature heat recovery applications (up to 250oC) and they have been characterized as having desirable working fluid properties such as good safety classification and environmental footprint. Additional properties from an ORC system, where mechanical systems are incorporated, are good thermal stability, chemical compatibility, material compatibility and thermodynamic performance. These systems must be reliable and therefore the interactions with the working fluids are paramount as design basis becomes an important attribute in the development of ORC components. The aforementioned HFO fluids will be assessed on the criteria mentioned to help identify their candidacy in using them in heat recovery technology platform, where interest is specifically ORC based. These novel HFO fluids provide a good alternative to existing working fluids currently under consideration with an added advantage of meeting low GWP regulations. |